Amino Acid Chelates:
Where Potential Meets Production
Utilizing Science to Work for Your Operation

How Do We Stack Up?
Compare amino acid chelated minerals with the inorganic alternative and there is no dispute about which is absorbed faster.
As published in the Journal of Applied Nutrition.
Copper = 580% Greater Absorption
Iron = 490% Greater Absorption
Magnesium = 410% Greater Absorption
Calcium = 421% Greater Absorption
Manganese = 340% Greater Absorption

Science is on Our Side
Better absorption
Improved immunity
Increased reproduction
Trace Minerals
Trace minerals are essential nutritional components of animal feed rations that make a big difference to your animal's health. That part seems obvious, but what many operations don't realize is how important these minerals are to maximize your animal's food utilization and to improve immunity and reproductive potential.
Not all trace minerals are created equally. Since the digestive system has two main functions, digestion and absorption, it's important to understand the difference between those two terms. Digestion is the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food material to prepare for absorption. Absorption is the passage of molecules through the mucous membranes of the small intestines to the blood or lymph system for distribution to the body’s cells.
Since the small intestine's absorption process comes after the stomach's digestion process, using amino acid chelated minerals is extremely valuable to your operation. Most minerals break down during digestion, but our amino acid chelated minerals are chemically formulated to withstand the stomach's digestion process and maximize your animal's ability to absorb and fully utilize the minerals you are feeding them.
Several decades of testing, research, and quality manufacturing show that true amino acid chelates are the most bioavailable, best absorbed, and most retained form of all minerals on the market.
Other Advantages of Amino Acid Chelates
Most highly absorbed form of organic trace minerals
Certain amino acids are not broken down in the stomach
Minimum 1:1 molar ratio
Electrically neutral, which means they are less susceptible to antagonisms such as iron, molybdenum, and mycotoxin binders
Metal is pulled into the system with the amino acid
Getting more mineral into the animal's bloodstream means better immunity

"You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency."
- Dr. Linus Pauling, Two Time Nobel Prize Winner
Better Absorption Explained by Science
Normal trace minerals only have a few feet of intestinal space to absorb into the bloodstream before they are broken down and converted to waste. However, chelated amino acid minerals are chemically formulated to withstand digestion so that your animal has significantly longer lengths of its intestines that can absorb the trace minerals.